Angie Rambles

A blog of my thoughts from working at home to family life and everything in between

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The WC

WOW! I just recently ordered and received my subscription to the WC: a print newspaper for home based moms and I was very impressed. It is full of great content, featuring many great authors and it even has recipes, a kid's activity page and more. This print publication is brought to you by Work At Home Mom Talk Radio (an awesome Internet radio show!)

Do you have your own business? Work from home? Interested in working from home? This print publication would be perfect for you. Be sure to check it out!

Subscribe to The WC

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fighting the Flab

Over at the Fitness/Weightloss forum we started our first contest on 9/23/05 and it ended on 10/21/05. We had to choose something we would change and why and make at least 3 postings each week with an update. We had the chance to win some cool prizes and guess who won the first contest? Yep, that would be me! I won the book, 6 Day Body Makeover. So far an interesting read but not something I am ready to follow at this time however I have learned a lot from what I have read so far.

1st contest: What will I change and why?

I will do some form of exercise at least 5 days a week (M-F).  My goal is to do 3 days of rebounding, floor exercises/aerobics, etc and 2 days of walking.  I will however try to walk all 5 days.

I'm going to make this change to get more energy and lose inches!

1st week- 135 total exercise minutes and 7-10 glasses a water each day
2nd week- 110 total exercise minutes and 7 glasses of water each day (didn't do as much exercise as I would've liked this week)
3rd week-155 total exercise minutes and 7-10 glasses a water each day
4th week-75 total exercise minutes and 7-10 glasses of water each day

During this first contest I was in a rut because hubby wanted to order in one evening and all of my options were something I didn't really want to give into.  I told Kev I really didn't want to splurge on that because my monthly splurge is Chinese and I didn't want to give that up so he was a very supportive hubby and recommended Subway.  Subway has a variety of decent subs to eat and I got one that was only 6 grams of fat.  So thankful for that!  Jared is my hero!

Update for 1st contest:
My goal was to do some form of exercise at least 5 days a week (3 days rebounding and 2 walking..with a goal of walking everyday).  There were about 3-4 days total that I didn't exercise so I think I did ok.  I was doing this to gain more energy and lose inches. 

I definitely feel that I have more energy than I have ever had and emotionally I feel great because I can say I am proud of myself for sticking with my new lifestyle.  Mentally, in the beginning I was tired and just didn't feel like getting things done but I have accomplished a lot within my business, keeping up with chores around the house, etc.

I started 8/21/05 weighing approx. 267-270 and am now at 257.  Not too bad!  Approx. 87 lbs to go by Christmas 2006!  Looks much better than 100 lbs. I canno believe I am sharing my weight with the whole world but it really does help me stay accountable, that's for sure.

Overall I would say that was a GREAT 4 weeks.