It's a beautiful day!

As I sit here in my office, windows open, breeze flowing, I'm feeling great. I received my newsletter issue from today and am getting more excited about our upcoming trip to Florida. We are going for both business and pleasure!

The first few days will be all about business. I look forward to spending time with other consultants and the owners of Our Family Favorites. Sure, we keep in touch through cards, phone calls and e-mail, but it's not the same as spending time in person. Fortunately, we've got a foolproof cure for the long-distance blues--an old-fashioned family reunion. And while we're there, we'll learn a little about - business...brew...and BBQ!! There will be a full-scale demo of festival marketing, Home Partying "Emeril style", and they say "we'll have everyone cooking like the pros" at the end!

Here's an overview of what we'll be doing:

Back Yard Grilling - It probably began when some prehistoric man or woman wandered up on the remains of some animal that was the victim of a wildfire... "Hmmmm, this is better than raw meat.".....and grilling was born! We can teach anyone the secrets of grilling once you learn the cooking tools, fuels, meat selection and preparation, and cooking methods, and we'll all taste the finished products!

Happy Hour/Welcome Dinner - We'll sit back and relax to the sound of crickets, the smell of grilling, swat some mosquitoes, all while enjoying a great feast under the stars! (oh by the way, we are staying in cute little cottages at a campground!)

At-Home Gourmet Party Demo - Emeril Style!! - Home parties don't have to be hard, structured, or cause you fear. We can show you how to get everyone involved in the cooking while using a few of our product lines without a huge expense. Everyone will enjoy the time and laughter together....we guarantee it!

Cook Like the Pros - You too....can learn to cook like the pros! Grillmaster Bill will take you through every step of BBQ cooking competition!

Recognition Dinner - After two days of learning to "cook like the pros" now get to eat what you cooked!! So...we encourage you to pay attention!

Saturday Nite Cruisin' - We'll step back to the 50's and 60's era and enjoy a night of live music, classic car show, shopping, and thrilling rides for everyone! (I can't wait to get my Henna tatoos here!)

Sounds exciting to me! Anyone can come as my guest so if you're in the Kissimmee/Orlando area, let me know and I'll send you the info. Guests can join us for only $52 (lodging extra). If you've ever thought of joining Our Family Favorites as a consultant or would like to sample our products, this would be perfect for you!

The second part of our trip we'll spend at DISNEYWORLD! Read all about it in my next blog entry.


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