Fighting the Flab

Over at the Fitness/Weightloss forum we started our first contest on 9/23/05 and it ended on 10/21/05. We had to choose something we would change and why and make at least 3 postings each week with an update. We had the chance to win some cool prizes and guess who won the first contest? Yep, that would be me! I won the book, 6 Day Body Makeover. So far an interesting read but not something I am ready to follow at this time however I have learned a lot from what I have read so far.

1st contest: What will I change and why?

I will do some form of exercise at least 5 days a week (M-F).  My goal is to do 3 days of rebounding, floor exercises/aerobics, etc and 2 days of walking.  I will however try to walk all 5 days.

I'm going to make this change to get more energy and lose inches!

1st week- 135 total exercise minutes and 7-10 glasses a water each day
2nd week- 110 total exercise minutes and 7 glasses of water each day (didn't do as much exercise as I would've liked this week)
3rd week-155 total exercise minutes and 7-10 glasses a water each day
4th week-75 total exercise minutes and 7-10 glasses of water each day

During this first contest I was in a rut because hubby wanted to order in one evening and all of my options were something I didn't really want to give into.  I told Kev I really didn't want to splurge on that because my monthly splurge is Chinese and I didn't want to give that up so he was a very supportive hubby and recommended Subway.  Subway has a variety of decent subs to eat and I got one that was only 6 grams of fat.  So thankful for that!  Jared is my hero!

Update for 1st contest:
My goal was to do some form of exercise at least 5 days a week (3 days rebounding and 2 walking..with a goal of walking everyday).  There were about 3-4 days total that I didn't exercise so I think I did ok.  I was doing this to gain more energy and lose inches. 

I definitely feel that I have more energy than I have ever had and emotionally I feel great because I can say I am proud of myself for sticking with my new lifestyle.  Mentally, in the beginning I was tired and just didn't feel like getting things done but I have accomplished a lot within my business, keeping up with chores around the house, etc.

I started 8/21/05 weighing approx. 267-270 and am now at 257.  Not too bad!  Approx. 87 lbs to go by Christmas 2006!  Looks much better than 100 lbs. I canno believe I am sharing my weight with the whole world but it really does help me stay accountable, that's for sure.

Overall I would say that was a GREAT 4 weeks.


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