Meme: 5 Things About This Mom

1) I'm a 36 year old step mom of two, 26 (girl) and 24 (boy).

2) I'm an only child.

3) Hubby and I love to travel. Our favorite vacation spots are Jamaica and Disney World.

4) My favorite foods are sushi and spaghetti.

5) I'm a Reality TV junkie. Some of my favorite shows are Big Brother, Survivor and Amazing Race. I also enjoy CSI and Numbers.


Erik the retard.
Can't wait 'till tomorrow.
Angie said…
I just knew Erik would do that. Crazy! I'm looking forward to the finale tomorrow. My vote is for Cirie.
Stacey Moore said…
so nice to meet you!!
thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Karen Coutu said…
Nice getting to know you better.

Here are my 5 . . .
dawntrenee said…
It's great to meet you, this mommyfest stuff is great. I am in IL also, we have a slightly smaller zoo, 2 kids, 2 cats, 1 african gray and are on the search for our next dog. Stop by my blog, leave a few tips and enter my contest at working mother. I am just starting out in this affiliate/internet world trying to just stay afloat.

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