Aloha Friday: July 11

It's time again for Aloha Friday. Come join the fun and head on over to Kailani's blog, answer her question and learn more about Aloha Friday.

My question for today is:

Do you have any items that you like to collect?

I like to collect magnets and postcards. I used to collect match books and shot glasses.


Heart of Rachel said…
I love collecting bears and hello kitty stuff. Now it seems I'm collecting Transformers ... for my son. :)
Anonymous said…
I collect coins, magnets and souvenir shot glasses (funny 'cause I don't drink).
Cathi said…
I love to collet sea shells however it's the actual collecting of them that I enjoy, walking along the water and sand while looking about. I don't display them but for a small bowl of shells here and there.
My husband (and me) have a small collecton of armillaries that is growing quite nicely.
Anonymous said…
I have a small collection of angels - something I'm building over time - my 2 year old collects fuzz and rocks (more fuzz now than rocks...)
Anonymous said…
Do handbags count? hee hee
Anonymous said…
I used to collect porcelain dolls, but then I ran out of room. :)

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