Vote for your favorite website header design

It's time to help vote for my new weight loss/fitness website header. I think hubby did a great job and I would like to see which one you all find to be the best. It's hard because I can't go ahead and change my website design yet so you won't really be able to see how the colors compliment each other (the web site colors are pretty cool) but I'm not going to spend too much more time on this, I just want to get it done and appreciate everyone's help.

Now that you have seen the 3 header choices on this page that you can vote from (there are also 3 headers with a white background, not pictured, that I can use for my new blog design or switch out any of the orange headers if I feel like it LOL).

So now it's time, please choose your favorite design, Header #1, Header #2 or Header #3 and while you're here I would appreciate it if you would share a link to your favorite free Wordpress blog template design. Once again, I thank you very much for taking the time to help me out.

Have a super day!



Anonymous said…
I like #3
Val said…
#1, but didn't you just do the whole site? How come you are doing a new one?
cathy said…
I vote for #3
Angie said…
Hi Val,
Yes, the site was redone not too long ago but the theme just didn't portray weight loss/fitness as much as it should have so it's time to move on and do it right this time.

To everyone who has voted so far, thank you so much. I truly appreciate you taking the time to give your input.
Anonymous said…
I like #3 - it seems a bit Oranger (If that is a word).

I also like the trampoline better than the ball - the ball is just kind of a circle & it just takes me a minute to connect it with the idea. Then again, I can be slow. ;)

I would suggest a wordpress theme but, I do not use that script. Sorry!

Hope you have allot of fun re themeing your blog!
Anonymous said…
Hi Angie,

I like #1.
Anonymous said…
I vote for #3 as well!
Anonymous said…
Hi Angie
I guess I will be different and say number 2 is my favorite. I like 3 as well. :)
Anonymous said…
I like either # 1 or # 3.

aka: bizzychicky
April said…
I like number 3 since it has both the trampoline and the ball in it, and its not as "pixelated" or something as the first 2.

And has some good Blogger templates.

If you need any help, let me know. I've done some blog designs for others. (
Anonymous said…
#3, I like the changing graphic
Lauren said…
Hi Ang!

I vote #3 - I like the alternating images on the right - and that they aren't super fast, or blinkie. ;)

Can't "weight" to see what you do with the new design. Nothing like a new color scheme and design to light a fire under ya when you need it most! Congrats on refocusing on your focus. :)
Anonymous said…
#3 - Eunice
Tishia said…
I like #3 and also #4.
Anonymous said…
I like them ALL!! But I truely LOVE ...

ANGIE, my wife

Her Hubby,

Kevin (Keep on voting)
Lauren said…
Oh, now I've seen the other 3! Okay - I like one of those better - either #4 or 5 - Your face starts out way too orange in the orange one. So, I change my vote! Now, #4 is my favorite! :D
Angie said…
Thank you all so much for the time you took to vote and comment. The header designs are still a work in progress. There are more added to the page now.

And thank you KEVIN, the most wonderful hubby in the world for leaving a comment here and for all of your hard work.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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