Blog Trip Day 2: Filler up

Today is Day 2 of the Mommy Community blog trip.

Tried to take a picture of the price of gas last week but you can't really see it (it was $3.99 at this gas station)

Yesterday in one of my videos, we quickly passed a gas station and I mentioned that gas was $3.97. It varies all over, just down the street it was $3.94 and some places as low as $3.84. Wish they would quit playing games.

Luckily we shop at a grocery store where you get a discount on gas depending on how much you spend. Three cents off for just having a grocery card and ten cents off when you spend over $50 and we do that a lot so Kev and I are usually set with discounted gas (if we make it that far LOL). My car has been having gas gauge issues and the other day I was on my way home from the gym and didn't stop to get gas because who knew I only had a mile left of gas ROFL. So I just luckily glided in to the most expensive gas station around OF COURSE.

As far as what I do to save on gas, not much really. We have to pretty much drive everywhere around here. I do try to plan errands together so I'm not wasting and Kev and I drive to the gym together when we can. But that's about all.


Anonymous said…
Found you on the Blog Trip -

Good to meet you. Can't talk now, I'm heading to the weight loss blog...
Trish said…
That's about how much gas is in our area. Just thought I'd stop by on the Blog trip to say hi!
Boy, I'm now feeling thankful for our 3.59 after this blog tour. Remember the days when it was just over a dollar- and that was not that long ago...happy blog tripping!
~ Mhay ~ said…
Hi Angie, so nice of you to stop by my blog. Nice to meet you.
Rhonda Gales said…
Wow, that's pretty expensive. It's $3.59 for regular in my area. I still have a 1/2 half of a tank left. Beep Beep!
Penelope said…
Hehe...I hate when I have no more gas and the only station I can make it to is the most expensive! Ugh...gas preices are terrible right now! Good to hear about your grocery store perks!
Hi , just stopping by on the Blog road trip. Have a great trip -- fun meeting new people.
Ginny said…
Isn't crazy the price differences now, makes you wonder. A long time ago, it would be a penny here or there different.

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